martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

                                                               Tom Sawyer
                                                                 (Capitulo 1 The Fence )

Tom Sawyer lived with his aunt because his mother and
father were dead. Tom didn’t like going to school, and he
didn’t like working. He liked playing and having
adventures. One Friday, he didn’t go to school—he went
to the river.
Aunt Polly was angry. “You’re a bad boy!” she said.
“Tomorrow you can’t play with your friends because you
didn’t go to school today. Tomorrow you’re going to work
for me. You can paint the fence.”
Saturday morning, Tom was not happy, but he started to
paint the fence. His friend Jim was in the street.
Tom asked him, “Do you want to paint?”
Jim said, “No, I can’t. I’m going to get water.”
Then Ben came to Tom’s house. He watched Tom and
said, “I’m going to swim today. You can’t swim because
you’re working.”

 Tom said, “This isn’t work. I like painting.”
“Can I paint, too?” Ben asked.
“No, you can’t,” Tom answered. “Aunt Polly asked me
because I’m a very good painter.”
Ben said, “I’m a good painter, too. Please, can I paint? I
have some fruit. Do you want it?”
OK,” Tom said. “Give me the fruit. Then you can paint.”
Ben started to paint the fence. Later, many boys came to
Tom’s house. They watched Ben, and they wanted to
paint, too.
Tom said, “Give me some food and you can paint.”

                                                  (Capitulo 2 In the Graveyard)

One morning before school, Tom’s friend Huck Finn waited for him in the street. Huck didn’t have a home, and he never went to school. People in the town didn’t like him. But Tom liked Huck. Huck said, “Let’s have and adventure.” “What can we do on our adventure?” Tom asked. “Let’s go to the graveyard at night—at twelve o’clock!” Huck answered. ‘That’s a good adventure,” Tom said. “Let’s meet at eleven o’clock.” Then Tom went to school, but he was late. The teacher was angry. He asked, “Why are you late again?” 

“I’m late because I talked to Huck Finn,” Tom said. Then the teacher was very angry. “Sit with the girls,” he said to Tom. Tom sat near the beautiful new girl. He was happy. He looked at her. “What’s your name?” he asked. “Becky,” she answered. Tom smiled and said, “My name’s Tom.” The teacher was angry again. “Tom Sawyer, stop talking! Go to your place now,” he said. Tom went to his place. At twelve o’clock Tom and Becky didn’t go home. They stayed in the school yard and talked. Tom said, “I love you. Do you love me?” “Yes,” Becky answered. “Good,” Tom said. “Then you’re going to walk to school with me every day. Amy always walked with me.” “Amy!” Becky said angrily. “Do you love her?” “No,” Tom answered. “I love you now. Do you want to walk with me?” But Becky was angry with Tom.

Tom and Huck watched. Then they went away quickly because they were afraid. They went to Tom’s yard. Huck said, “We can’t talk about this. Injun Joe can find us and kill us, too.” “That’s right,” Tom said. “We can’t talk about it.” Tom went in his bedroom window. He went to bed, but he didn’t sleep well. Tom and Huck didn’t talk to their friends or Aunt Polly about that night because they were afraid of Injun Joe. Later, some men went to Muff Potter and said, “You’re a bad man. You killed the doctor.”
                                                        ( Capitulo 3 A Bad Day )

Becky was sick and didn’t go to school for many days. Tom was very sad. One morning, he said to Aunt Polly, “I’m very sick, and I want to stay home from school.” Aunt Polly said, “Here’s some medicine. Take this and you can get well quickly.” But Tom didn’t like the medicine. Peter, the cat, came into the room and looked at Tom. “Peter!” Tom said. ”Have some medicine!” Peter had some medicine. He didn’t like it! He went quickly out the open window and into the yard. Aunt Polly watched Peter. “Why did you do that, Tom?” she asked angrily. “You’re a very bad boy! Go to school now.” Tom arrived at school early and he waited for Becky at the school fence. She arrived early, too, but she didn’t  
Peter had some medicine. He didn’t like it!
look at Tom. She went into school. Tom walked away. He didn’t want to go to school now. He was very sad. Joe Harper was near the school. He was sad, too, because his mother was angry with him. The two boys walked and talked. Tom said, “Let’s run away.” “Yes, let’s!” Joe said. The two boys went to the river. Huck Finn was there. Tom and Joe said, “We’re going to run away. Do you want to come with us?” “Yes,” Huck answered. “Let’s go across the river. We can have a good adventure there.” The boys went home because they wanted to get food for their adventure.  


*Tom Sawyer: Tom is a mischievous and adventurous boy. It has an active imagination, and gets in trouble a lot. He is a born leader and very stubborn. Throughout the book goes through many adventures that change.
 *Aunt Polly: Tom's aunt who lives with him. Aunt Polly is religious and very proper, but a good heart. Although long fight with Tom, she loves and cares about their welfare.
 *Sid: younger brother Tom. He behaves well and is very correct, but lives to put Tom in trouble. Unlike Aunt Polly and Tom's cousin, Mary, Sid has traits of meanness that blend with your righteous behavior.

*Becky Thatcher: Becky is a beautiful and lively girl. Tom falls in love with her ​​the first time he sees her. His firm will challenge Tom throughout their courtship. She and Tom are lost together in McDougal's cave.

*Huckleberry Finn: Huck is the son of the town drunk and a wild child. Not going to school, to church, or any other social event. Can not read. He is loved by children and feared by adults because they do not obey rules. It is less imaginative or fanciful than Tom, but more practical. He and Tom witness when Injun Joe murders Dr. Robinson and eventually find their treasure.

*Indio Joe: The villain of the book. He is mestizo and an evil and heinous criminal who robs and kills without thinking. The kills Dr. Robinson and would hurt the Widow Douglas if Huck had not come to his aid.
 Objects And Places:

*Fence: Aunt Polly Tom tackles this big near whitening, a task that should take several hours, but it is an easy way to do it.

*Piston box: A box containing a small explosive charge.

*Jackson Island: An island downstream from St. Petersburg, where Tom, Huck and Joe remain when fleeing for pirates.

*Secret Places: Tom and the other kids have several of these, where they hide their toys and other possessions. Tom hides his bow and other things in the woods near the house of the widow Douglas, when he and Joe playing Robin Hood.